Entertainment Events

Entertainment Events

Event Name: Cooking Event

Event Date: 26-July-2020

General Instructions:

Team Size: Individual Participation 

Registration Fees: 50/- 

Topic: Any

Registration Link: https://rb.gy/cy91wi

Rules of Participation

  1. All the participants have to send a picture of the prepared food along with the time-lapse of the whole procedure.
  2. All the pictures and the time laps will be submitted to us through google forms
  3. The judgment of the food will be done on the basis of the presentation of the food.
  4. All the participants have to follow DSW.MRU page in Instagram
  5. Once you have registered, no refund will be provided in case you want to back out prior or on the day of competition

Event Name: Pubg Event

Event Date: 26-July-2020

General Instructions:

Team Size:

Rounds: 2

Registration Fees: 200/- 

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/FbnS9BQ3PaFvqGtZA

  1. Participants have to take a *SCREENSHOTS* of their Paytm payment, write their name and event in the description and provide us with transaction IDs.
  2. We will send a confirmation email to the participants after confirming our treasurer if the amount has been credited or not.

Rules of Participation

  1. There should be a minimum of 2 members and max 4 in a team.
  2. The registration fee for one team is 200 (weather a team consist of 2 members only)
  3. Team members have to submit their username and they will be in room.
  4. If they didn’t match with the username submitted, their participation will be canceled and no refund will be given.
  5. There will be *NO REFUND* in any case if you are unable to play due to any reason.
  6. A group will be made in which participants will have to send the screenshot of there results.


  1. Rooms will be created for these 50 teams for playing.
  2. The tournament will consist of two rounds.
  3. In 1st round, both the teams will be playing in rooms.
  4. Top 12 teams will be selected from both the rooms to compete in 2nd round which is the final round.
  5. Winners of 1st, 2nd & 3rd position will be decided from 2nd round.

The consolation prize will be given to a member of the team finishing on the 4th & 5th position. (They should have maximum no of kills in all three rounds).

For any further information regarding all the above events please contact:

Shubh Ahuja        Shiv Samantaray
9818809269           8376892038


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